Class of 2029 Registration

Qualifying Exams

Qualifying Exams are offered for students who would like to test into an advanced level of Math, Computer Science or Languages. Anyone may sign up to take the qualifying exams. 
Qualifying Exams will be offered:
Time:  8:00 a.m. - Modern & Classical Languages or Computer Science
           9:30 a.m. -  Math 
Dates:  April 26, 2025 or May 3, 2025

Location: The Hawklet Center (just west of Dasta Memorial Football Stadium)
Initial placement in Freshman Advanced Algebra 1, AP Human Geography, Advanced English 1, Advanced Spanish 1, and Biology is based on HSPT scores in each of those areas.
Please indicate on your Registration form if you would like to request to take a qualifying exam. You will receive this the night of Registration. If you changed your mind post-registration, please contact Jane Cory at the information listed below.
Questions? Please contact:
Jane Cory