Freshman Retreat

The Freshman Retreat is an experience organized by a team of upperclassmen, known as the Freshman Retreat Core Team and is put on by senior and junior Group Leaders. The freshmen participate in various activities on campus and the retreat focuses on God’s unique call to each member of the freshman class. This mandatory retreat is held at school and takes place in mid-fall. All freshmen participate in this experience.

For more information on the retreat, please reach out to Mr. Matt Nickson in the Pastoral Office.

The Freshman Retreat 2024 will be held on FRIDAY, September 20, 2024.  Student must be present for this event.  The retreat is a one day event.  

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Matthew Nickson

    Matthew "Matt" Nickson 

    Director of Pastoral Ministry, Teacher
    (816) 363-2036
  • Photo of Patrick McAnany

    Patrick "Ryan" McAnany 12

    Assistant Director of Pastoral Ministry, Teacher
    (816) 363-2036 Ext 249