
Your Gift Is Their Present... And Future


“Go forth and set the world on fire.” Your philanthropy ignites the education and formation of men for others and their futures. 
“Act as if everything depended on you; trust as if everything depended on God.” Your investment; a Higher return.

“Love is shown more in deeds than in words.” Your giving communicates your caring to countless current and future students you may never knowingly meet.

“To give, and not to count the cost…” As a donor to Rockhurst High School, the benefits of your gift far outweigh the cost by the impact your dollars generate every day. 

To be a part of creating Ignatian leaders, “men for others” in the Roman Catholic, Jesuit college preparatory tradition, click on any of the giving opportunities pages below to learn more about activating your impact.

The Eyrie Fund

"Eyrie": the nest of a hawk. The place where a Hawklet develops before he can take wing and be prepared to embark in the world on his own. This is a wonderful image for our Hawklets at Rockhurst High School - and it is the metaphor we introduce to you beginning this year as we name our Annual Fund the EYRIE FUND.

Each year at Rockhurst, we witness amazing things as we observe the growth and formation of our young men at Rockhurst. And each year alumni, parents, grandparents, past parents, and friends help build the Eyrie which supports this great Jesuit Catholic tradition at Rockhurst. Thanks to this community support, as our Hawklets leave this Eyrie, they in turn become leaders in the community.

EYRIE FUND contributions are annual gifts supporting the daily operations of Rockhurst High School to keep Jesuit formation and education a vibrant and accessible option for families throughout the Kansas City metropolitan region. Every student at Rockhurst benefits from your support because the operational gap between tuition income and operating costs is $3,000 per student.

Gifts to the EYRIE FUND enable us to enact our mission, as your gifts to this fund provide resources supporting everything we do, including academics, co-curriculars, athletics, community service, and pastoral ministry.

Your philanthropic generosity also allows us to provide nearly $3 million in financial assistance direct to students who would not be part of our Rockhurst Eyrie community were it not for donor generosity. Your prompt commitment to provide support of the EYRIE FUND will enable your gift to create impact right away.

Whether you are an alumnus, parent, grandparent, past parent, or friend you know the impact of a Rockhurst education for our graduates and as "men for others", for the world.

We look toward another year of thriving for your collective sons, brothers, and friends, and invite you to make Rockhurst High School your top philanthropic priority during the years they are on campus. Your gift is their present... and their future.

Make your gift to the EYRIE FUND today!

If you'd like to speak with someone directly about your philanthropic support, please call Diane Marty, Vice President of Philanthropy & Engagement, at 816.363.2036 x538 or email

Save the date for Rockhurst High School's annual giving day, Rock Giving Tuesday, on Tuesday, November 12. Additional details on how to get involved and related goals - all in the name of spirit and generosity for the young men of Rockhurst High School and their families - coming soon.

Rock Giving Tuesday leads off a fundraising campaign that concludes with the celebration of the national #GivingTuesday, honored this year on Tuesday, December 3.

For more information on ways to get involved as an ambassador and/or a match/challenge donor, please contact Meredith Suarez, Director of Alumni Engagement, at or call 816.363.2036 ext. 537; or Adrianne DeWeese, Assistant Director of Philanthropy, at or call 816.363.2036 ext. 536.

Please note:
Donors can use their Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) to grant to nonprofits in support of their events, but here are a few things to keep in mind: 
  • Tickets, Tables and Sponsorships 
The full cost to attend events (both the tax-deductible and non-tax-deductible portions) must be paid from a donor’s personal bank account. Any remaining sponsorship costs can be paid for using a DAF, as long as no more than incidental benefits are received by the DAF advisor or donor in return. Logo or name recognition in event materials is not considered a more than incidental benefit. 
    • Here is an example of what a DAF can pay for at an event: A $5,000 event sponsorship includes a table for 10 and a donor name or logo in event materials. If the lowest ticket price to attend the event is $100, the donor will pay $1,000 for the table personally ($100 × 10 seats at the table) and can use their DAF to cover the remaining $4,000. 
  • Raffles and Auctions
A DAF can be used to support fund-a-need calls for donations at charitable events. DAFs cannot be used to purchase raffle tickets or auction items.
A donor’s financial advisor can help calculate what portion of the event sponsorship can come from their DAF based on the benefits received. If a donor chooses not to accept any more than incidental benefits associated with a sponsorship, the entire amount may be paid through their DAF.
Please only list one name on the form.  You and your spouse will be acknowledged in all communications.
Click here to view image
Click here to make your Eyrie Fund Gift
Click here to view image
Click here to make your Eyrie Fund Gift

Your Philanthropy & Engagement Team

We invite you to reach out to any member of the Team with questions about your giving to Rockhurst.
Adrianne DeWeese, MPA, CFRE
Assistant Director of Philanthropy
(816)363-2036 ext. 536
Robbie Haden '09
Director of Communications & Branding
(816)363-2036 ext. 552
Moira Healy
Director of Engagement
(816)363-2036 ext. 582
Diane Marty, EdD, CFRE
Vice President of Philanthropy & Engagement
(816)363-2036 ext. 538
c: (816)674-4766
Tim Reidy '02
Archives Director
(816)363-2036 ext. 393
Sylvia Smith
Philanthropy & Engagement Supportive Services
(816)363-2036 ext. 588
Meredith Suarez
Director of Alumni Engagement
(816)363-2036 ext. 537
Loretta Verbanic
Gifts & Stewardship Specialist
(816)363-2036 ext. 555
George Weir
Director of Data & Analytics
(816)363-2036 ext. 539