Rockhurst Tuition

Rockhurst High School is a college preparatory educational institution sponsored by the Society of Jesus. Rockhurst does not receive public or church financial support. Rather, Rockhurst's educational mission is supported by the payment of tuition by the families of our students, by annual fundraising events, and by the generosity of our many benefactors.

Tuition for the 2025-2026 academic year is $16,750, $1,100 for the Lunch Program, and a $490 Technology Fee, for a total of $18,340 .  Tuition and fees can be paid annually, in a four payment plan, or a ten payment plan.  Please note, the four and ten payment plans have a payment fee associated. This tuition also includes a Apple MacBook device for an incoming freshman, a student activity fee that supports some of our pastoral, certain athletic and co-curricular activities, and includes the Quarry, the Rockhurst High School yearbook. The tuition for the upcoming year is established by the Board of Trustees each spring.

Financial Aid Application Process

Families are encouraged to apply for financial aid online, directly with Financial Aid Independent Review (FAIR) at  The financial aid application process will open on October 4, 2024, and costs $30.  The school code for Rockhurst is 120, and the school password is rhs120.  The priority deadline for financial aid applications for incoming freshmen students is December 20, 2024. The absolute deadline for incoming freshmen who did not make the December 15th date for financial aid applications or returning students is January 3, 2025.  Timely submission of the financial aid forms is essential.  Late applications may not be processed by the evaluating agency in time for consideration.  Financial aid packets can be mailed to all families of returning students who received financial aid in the previous year, if having hard copies is better than online access.  If you would like a hard copy to pick up or to be mailed to you, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Financial Aid

Rockhurst High School will award $2.71 million in financial assistance to more than 41% of our student body for the 2023-2024 academic year. The Financial Aid Committee's evaluation takes into account the analysis of a family's need by an independent agency, academic performance, and a student's enthusiasm for a Rockhurst education.
The generosity of others permits Rockhurst to award scholarships to many of our incoming students. With only the four HSPT scholarship exceptions to the left, scholarship awards are based on financial need and merit. In order to be eligible for a scholarship, your family must file for financial aid with FAIR.  There are no separate applications or forms for scholarships.
Incoming freshmen may also qualify for the President's Scholarship, the Ignatian Scholarship, the Regis Scholarship, or the Kolvenbach Scholarship based upon their composite score on the High School Placement Test (no FAIR application required).  Please note: the High School Placement Test awards are only applicable to freshman year tuition. To be eligible for these scholarships, an 8th grader must meet the following academic criteria:

List of 3 items.

  • B+ (or better) average in his 7th or 8th grade years

  • Received a Positive Teacher's Recommendation

  • Taken the Placement Test at Rockhurst High School


List of 4 items.

  • The President's Scholarship of $2,000

    Awarded to students who achieve a composite score of 99th percentile on the placement test.
  • The Ignatian Scholarship of $1,000

    Awarded to students who achieve a composite score of 98th percentile on the placement test.
  • The St. John Francis Regis, SJ Scholarship of $750

    Awarded to students who achieve a composite score of 97th percentile on the placement test.
  • The Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, SJ Scholarship of $500

    Awarded to students who achieve a composite score of 96th percentile on the placement test.


Second sibling: $750 tuition discount
Third sibling: 50 percent tuition discount.
Additional siblings: Rockhurst's Financial Aid Committee will consider discounts on an individual basis for families who have more than three siblings enrolled concurrently.

Catholic educator: Families with a parent working full-time in a Catholic elementary or secondary school in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph or the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas qualify for a $750 tuition discount per student. Click the button below to access the Catholic Employee Discount Form. The form must be completed, signed by an administrator of the qualified institution.
MO Scholars Scholarship Program

In the state of Missouri, students K-12 may be eligible, for up to $6,375 in scholarships, through a certified Educational Assistance Organization for the new MOScholars program. Donors will be able to receive special tax credits for their donations and families will be able to apply for scholarships to attend Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph.

Click HERE for more information.