Behavioral and mental health concerns for youth has seen a dramatic increase over the last several years in our nation, often involving issues of severe anxiety, depression, and self-harm. Along with the greater Kansas City community, Rockhurst High School finds itself in the midsts of this larger national conversation. Research strongly supports the importance of creating strong, active communities of support and resources that reinforce the connection that individuals have towards one another and, furthermore, encourage individuals to seek assistance when in need. At Rockhurst High School, we believe that the Grace of the Holy Spirit shines upon everyone and strengthens the brotherhood that our programming aims to foster.
Individuals having thoughts of suicide, or those who know others who are, can take preventative steps to avoid self-harm by seeking supportive resources such as the
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-TALK [8255]).
Joining with others, it is our stance that there should be no stigma behind mental health issues, the discussion of such issues, or in the seeking out of assistance for any needs.