Admissions at The Rock

Students attend Rockhurst from throughout the Kansas City area and beyond, because a Jesuit education offers more than an excellent college preparatory curriculum. No matter which school or part of town they come from, graduates leave Rockhurst as academically competent, open to growth, loving and aware of God in their lives and the world. It all starts with the admission process! 

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Michael Comiskey

    Michael "Mike" Comiskey 03

    Director of Admissions & Marketing
  • Photo of Beth VanDyke

    Beth VanDyke 

    Assistant Director of Admissions
    816-363-2036 ext. 557

Admissions Events 2024-2025

      • Students in class at Rockhurst High School in Kansas City

    Kansas City’s Jesuit High School

    Rockhurst draws an ethnically and socio-economically diverse student body

    List of 4 items.

    • The student body comes from 80 area zip codes

    • 53% of the students live in Missouri and 47% live in Kansas

    • The student body represents more than 100 area elementary and junior high schools

    • 23% of the student body are self-identified students of minority racial backgrounds